About My Skills

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Adam Coverstone

Computer Engineer

My Skill Info

See my resume linked to the left for a detailed list of my projects and skills. This website is a brief visual overview of recent projects and related interests. Below is a few of the languages I use regularly and approximately how well I know them.



HTML, CSS, Javascript








My Portfolio

My recent projects, just click on them to learn more.

my projects

My Internship At American Express

I spent this past summer (2016) down in Ft. Lauderdale as a software engineering intern with American Express. This internship provided me with awesome experience of what it's like to work for a big company. I spent 8 weeks of the summer doing API/GUI testing for their Global Corporate Payment app, specifiaclly for their Japan Market. For this I used SOAP UI, HP UFT and Microsoft's VBScript. The last two weeks of the internship all of the interns worked together on a recruiting app. This app ended up being really cool, we created it using SQL, Express, Angular and Node, the SEAN Stack. It is served from a raspberry pi and recruiters can access the network and use the app to store candidate information, capture resumes, set up interviews, send emails etc.

my projects

Discount Stash

I created this iOS and Android application for a couple of guys from Melbourne Beach who wanted to make a discount app for local businesses around Brevard. Check out discountstash.com for more information, it will be released to the store Oct 1, 2016. I created a backend app for the owners to push discounts to a Firebase database and store information about businesses. The actual app Discount Stash displays the discounts in a user's selected location(s) and allows the user to find or contact the business as well as share the discounts and favorite them for later use. I created all of this using the Ionic Framework for the front end and Google Firebase for the backend.

my projects

Category Verses

"Category Verses is the quickest way to discover relevant inspirational and uplifting Bible verses. Hundreds of influential verses have been hand picked and sorted by popular topics including love, relationships, worship, sin, patience and many more. This app is entirely free and does not include any ads. The home page will display a randomly chosen verse and calming background each time the app is opened or refreshed. You can use this as a verse of the day app or go explore the numerous verses in each category and favorite them for later, or immediately share them with your friends and family through iMessage, Twitter and Facebook." I created this app using the Ionic Framework for a fun project to gain more experience creating apps. Check it out on the app store!

my projects

Surf Report App

I created this app for my own personal use to check custom made surf reports. This was a project to practice using Python and to learn a new framework, so I decided to make it with Django. I got permission from Magic Seaweed to use their API and gather data for my favorite surf spots. I made a list of some of the more popular spots, and then I added users so an individual user can favorite the spots they want to check the more frequently.

my projects

UFO Ride

UFO Ride was my first attempt at creating an app. It is a super addicting game based off of Flappybird except featuring a spaceship dodging planets, asteroids and monsters. I made it using LibGDX, a game development library for iOS and Android that can be written all in Java. It ended up being really cool but I waited too long to deploy it and RoboVM software updated so now I can't post it to the store. Overall it was a great learning experience in object oriented programming.

my projects

Independent Learning

Featured above is a list of some of the Lynda.com courses I have completed in the past year. As a young computer engineer I think it is important to learn a wide variety of technologies and techniques to build my knowledge base and figure out my true interests. Some relevant coursework I have taken in the past 3 and at UF include Programming 1 and 2, Analysis of Discrete Structures, Numerical Analysis, Computer Organization, Data Structures and Algorithms, Communication for Engineers, Circuits, Digital Logic, Intro to Software Engineering, Databases, Web App Development, Digital Design, Microprocessors, Junior Design, Brain Computing Interfaces and Operating Systems. I am also involved with the UF ACM Club and software engineering club as well as a participant in Hackathons and UF coding competitions.

Contact Me

Here are a few of the best ways to get in touch with me. Thanks for reaching out.